21 Mar 2012

The Airport Operators Association (AOA) has expressed its great disappointment at Chancellor George Osborne’s decision to proceed with a double-inflation increase in Air Passenger Duty (APD).

The AOA has been lobbying hard to persuade the Treasury to freeze – or even reduce – the level of APD. The UK already has the highest level of aviation taxes in Europe, and now that UK aviation has entered the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) the AOA has been campaigning against this ‘double taxation’.

AOA Chief Executive Darren Caplan said: “I am dismayed that the Chancellor has gone ahead with this double inflation increase. We already have the highest aviation taxes in Europe, and this new increase will hit the tourism industry and needlessly jeopardise the recovery of the economy as a whole.

“We are an island nation and aviation connectivity is crucial to the economy – indeed, with so many sectors reliant on aviation, in some senses it IS the economy. This increase is unhelpful and unwelcome and we will be campaigning against it as the Finance Bill progresses through the Commons.”

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Note to Editors:

Darren Caplan is available for further comment.

For further information, please contact Luke Law on 07827 931480 or [email protected]


About the Airport Operators Association

Who we are: 
The Airport Operators Association (AOA) is the trade association that represents UK airports.

What we do:
Our mission is to see UK airports grow sustainably. We represent the views of UK airports to Government, Parliament and Regulators to secure policy outcomes that help deliver our mission.

Who we represent:
The AOA represents 72 UK airports and general aviation airfields in the UK. For more, see www.airportsuk.org

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