17 Dec 2018

Responding to the publication of the Aviation Strategy Green Paper, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association Karen Dee said:

“The Aviation Strategy Green Paper’s proposed partnership for sustainable growth is a welcome recognition of the enabling role aviation plays for the UK. It means the Government recognises that improving aviation connectivity is crucial to boosting economic growth and creating new jobs across the UK as part of a Global Britain agenda.

“The UK aviation industry has a long-standing commitment to sustainable growth. As a result of investment in innovation and new technology and development of new operating procedures , UK aviation has emitted less CO2 in 2017 than in 2005, despite more passengers travelling.

“We look forward to working in partnership with the Government to create a final Aviation Strategy that puts the consumer at the heart of an ambitious plan for boosting investment in UK airport infrastructure, lowering barriers to expand the UK’s route network as well as ensuring we have a secure but welcome border.

“Efficient surface access to airports is vital to ensuring future sustainable growth and providing better connectivity for passengers. We look forward to working with the Government on bringing much needed clarity and consistency to the surface access planning process, aligning relevant stakeholders and ensuring schemes are delivered at pace.

“A strong Government commitment to airspace modernisation, delivered in close partnership with industry, will be vital to reduce noise impacts and further CO2 emission reductions. Further specific measures around noise are best set at a local level, in close collaboration with communities around airports to reflect local circumstances and concerns.


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