20 Jul 2020

Monday 20 July 2020

Responding to the study on connectivity and UK aviation released today, AOA Chief Executive Karen Dee said:

This study demonstrates that the effects of COVID-19 will be long felt by UK airports and that we face a tough road to recovery, with our regions particularly hard hit after the worst four months in the history of commercial aviation. Having lost up to 50% of air routes for the remainder of the critical summer period, airports will need bold action to be taken to stay in fighting shape.

“It is essential that the Government now actively works with industry to agree and implement a package of measures that will support our world class aviation sector through the biggest challenge it has ever faced. This must include business rates relief for all UK airports, continuing employment support to protect jobs within the industry, and a temporary suspension of APD.

“We cannot have a full national economic recovery without a thriving aviation sector; airports are essential components of Britain’s ambition to be a global trading nation and form a vital network for economic stimulus across the UK, levelling up the regions. It is high time that the Government supported UK aviation and backed it as the vital economic enabler that it is and provide the much-needed support to get Britain flying again.”


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