11 Mar 2020

Commenting on the intended aviation tax reform consultation, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association Karen Dee said:

“At a time when the aviation industry is reeling from the impacts of COVID-19 on passenger demand and the disappearance of Flybe’s vital network of regional routes, the Government should have taken bold action by suspending Air Passenger Duty for six months to help airports and airlines recover.

“While a consultation on future aviation tax reform is welcome and airports will look to engage with this process, it is deeply disappointing that the Chancellor failed to take further action in this Budget. This failure to act will put jobs at risk, damage our international connectivity and the Government’s international trade objectives.

“The Government must act decisively as soon as possible to safeguard connectivity and vital jobs across the UK aviation sector as well as to support businesses and regional economies that rely on their local airports’ domestic and international connectivity.”


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