9/11/18 – The AOA attended the CAA’s Finance Advisory Committee (FAC) where the CAA presented the Draft 2019/20 Airport Charges. The AOA asked for the CAA’s CFO to highlight to his board that such charges should not only be frozen but also they would be impacting negatively on larger airports but also, most significantly, on medium and smaller size ones. The CAA’s airport charges consultation is now open until 07/02/19 and AOA will formulate a robust response over the coming months. Please do pass any feedback you may have to our Policy and Public Affairs Team before the deadline.

14/11/18 – The AOA’s newly-formed Air Traffic Services Working Group (ATSWG) met for the first time. The meeting was well attended, and the AOA recognised the need to escalate existing members’ concerns with the CAA. The AOA will also seek to create stronger communication and representation channels whereby processes can be streamlined in order to advance ATS changes, but also to introduce new regulation and promote overall AMS implementation. The Chairs for the Group, Damon Knight (SEN) and Jim Wylie (LBA) were elected and we look forward to creating the terms of reference for the group, and the agenda for next meeting.

21/11/18 – The AOA’s OSG’s quarterly meeting took place. The announcement was made that Vice-chair Allan Harris (LPL) had stepped down from his position; AOA and members thanked Allan for his support and dedication to the Association and the Group. Nominations are now open for members to present their candidature. AOA’s Policy and Public Affairs Team updated about their work to date and the workplan for 2019 to set the scene for OSG involvement.

The possibility to host the specialised Annual Conferences for Operations & Safety and Security together in one venue over two days was presented to members; the response was positive with members citing time efficiency and helping the AOA’s planning for the year as potential benefits. A theme for the conference of “Putting the Passenger at the heart” was suggested by members as not only relevant to next year’s Aviation Strategy Policy but of mutual value for both AOA Groups. The AOA’s Security Group would be consulted about the matter on their next 07/12/18 meeting.

Suggestions were also made to host the OSG meetings once a year in a member airport to include a familiarisation visit, which was positively welcomed and agreed by members. IOM & JER airports have volunteered to be the first to host this annual meeting. In parallel, it was identified by members the need to form a subgroup focusing on Task Force Matters, given the staff shortages throughout all of our members business units and the pattern which is forming in the industry of facing numerous challenges to recruit, train/develop and retain staff. This new group’s aim is to share best practices, recruitment development and apprenticeships initiatives, to not only mitigate existing technical and experience shortages, but also invite future talent to join the industry and find job security. The AOA will investigate and consult with existing members on next steps and organise a brainstorming session with relevant and potential industry members.

29/11/18 – The AOA met with Amanda Purdye (LGW) and Simon Vince (LHR), Chairs of the Safeguarding WG to review this year and plan 2019 activities, including CAA liaison and representation. It was a very positive and productive session with confirmation of next year’s first seminar to be held at Hawarden Airport.