30 Jul 2018

Responding to the Policy Exchange report “The Border Audit”, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association Karen Dee said:


“Policy Exchange’s report is a welcome addition to the debate on how the UK can create a secure border that also demonstrates we are open for business.


“Airports stand ready to play their part in improving the border and have been calling on Government to create a long-term plan with industry on how to meet the fast-growing passenger numbers and their demands for shorter queues.


“As the AOA’s recent report highlights, spending on the border has been cut while the flows of people and goods across the border has gone up. In 2016/17, we saw 25% more passengers passing through UK airports than in 2012/13. Yet Border Force’s budget had fallen by nearly 10% over that same period, with more efficient use of technology only partly making up for that. The result is what passengers see almost every day at UK airports this summer: long queues, particularly for non-EEA arriving passengers.


“To deliver the shorter queues passengers expect but also deliver the secure but welcoming border that is vital for the success of the Government’s Global Britain ambitions, Border Force must have the resources and the long-term delivery plan it needs.”



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