28 Apr 2021

Commenting on the announcement that all 35 Dixon Travel stores in UK airports will be closed, Airport Operators Association Chief Executive Karen Dee said:

“Amid the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK Government’s decision to remove airside VAT-free shopping as of 1 January 2021 is making a bad situation worse. The Government should urgently review this decision and reverse course before further damage is done.

“The UK is now the only country in Europe without airside tax-free shopping. Our European competitors get a Brexit benefit by being able to offer UK-bound travellers every opportunity for tax-free shopping while UK airports are left at a significant disadvantage.

“The closure of Dixon Travel stores and the loss of jobs shows the first real-world consequences of the Government’s inexplicable decision. These are unlikely to be the last.

“As a tentative restart of aviation draws closer, Government should be supporting revenue recovery for airports after the huge losses suffered by airports during the pandemic. Instead, the Government has left airports with one hand tied behind their back in the efforts to return to profitability.”


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