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This joint meeting of AirportUK’s Public Affairs and Communications Network (PACN) and Policy Committee supports our work representing UK airports to government ministers and officials, national and regional politicians, wider stakeholders, the media and the general public.

Members of PACN and the Policy Committee inform, discuss and shape AirportUK’s policy, public affairs and media priorities and outreach to MPs (including the Future of Aviation APPG), MSPs, MSs, MLAs and other directly elected figures across the UK.

The groups meet both formally to update on and discuss a full range of issues and hear from knowledgeable, informed and relevant speakers, and are consulted on an ad hoc basis on specific issues as they arise.

Current issues include the competitiveness and attractiveness of aviation, sustainability issues, borders, airspace modernisation and airport/airline regulatory policy.

For more on this excellent opportunity for airport colleagues to connect over work they are doing in support of their businesses, please email [email protected].

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