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The Aerodrome Safeguarding Working Group brings together airport staff responsible for safeguarding activities to act as a single point of contact for airport safeguarding technical and regulatory matters in the UK.

Safeguarding activities at an aerodrome involves liaising with local planning authorities, analysing the impact of developments on an airport’s safe operations, including: the height of buildings, landscaping, wildlife hazards, impact on CNS equipment and instrument flight procedures (IFPs), glint and glare, lighting and obstacle lighting.

Members of the working group share best practice and technical expertise, debate and consult on regulatory development and liaise with the CAA on changes in the current and future regulatory framework.

The membership works towards ensuring consistent standards are being delivered by all stakeholders in the industry.

The working group meets at least twice a year and provides the chance for professionals to upskill via bespoke training and through liaising with industry experts to learn about new technologies and trends.

For more information please email [email protected].

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