Become a
member today

If you are considering joining AirportsUK or would like to receive more information about membership, please do get in touch at [email protected] or telephone Marko Saaret on 07442 948 819.

AirportsUK Membership

AirportsUK is the foremost trade association in the UK representing, supporting, shaping and standing up for safe, efficient airport operations.

Our members range from the UK’s largest airports right down to the smallest aerodromes, making up a fundamental part of the UK’s aviation network. We are also pleased to welcome businesses that play an integral role in airport supply chain, from construction and engineering firms and machinery suppliers to sustainability consultancies and security companies.

This enables AirportsUK to fully represent the entire airports sector and ensures we have the depth of knowledge and can advise and support all our members on the issues affecting their activities.

As champions and challengers, AirportsUK speaks to the government as the voice of UK airports.

More information about the types of membership AirportsUK offers can be found below and for further discussion, contact [email protected] or telephone Marko Saaret on 07442 948 819.

• Access to our directory of members
• News & Events

  • Complimentary table of 10 in prime location at our Annual Dinner
  • Six complimentary passes to attend our Annual Conference per year
  • Four complimentary places at our Specialist Airport Conferences per year
  • Opportunity to give a 20-minute presentation to an AOA board meeting
  • Invitation to attend our Summer Parliamentary Reception and regional roundtable meetings
  • Opportunity to partner with us in hosting a bespoke event or initiative, organise lunch-and-learn sessions and propose other networking events
  • Priority option to sponsor our events
  • Annual one-to-one meeting with us to review and discuss further engagements
  • Provide editorial content for one issue of Airport Operator magazine per year
  • Company logo prominently displayed on all our communications, materials, printed materials, at events and on engagement platforms
  • Access to our directory of members
  • Regular updates on forthcoming news & events

  • Two complimentary places at both our Annual Dinner and Annual Conference
  • Four complimentary places at our Specialist Airport Conferences per year
  • Invitation to attend our Summer Parliamentary Reception and regional roundtable meetings
  • Opportunity to partner with us in hosting a bespoke event or initiative, organise lunch-and-learn sessions and propose other networking events
  • Priority option to sponsor our events
  • Chance to present to one of our Specialist Working Groups
  • Provide editorial content for one issue of Airport Operator magazine per year
  • Company logo displayed at the front of each edition of the Airport Operator Magazine
  • Access to our directory of members
  • Regular updates on forthcoming news & events

  • Invitations to attend prestige events, such as our Annual Dinner, Annual Conference and our Summer Parliamentary Reception
  • Two complimentary passes to our AIrport Specialist Conferences
  • Opportunity to attend our regional roundtable meetings
  • Propose networking opportunities in partnership with us
  • Chance to present to one of our Specialist Working Groups
  • Your company logo, introduction and listing in Airport Operator magazine
  • Access to our directory of members
  • Regular updates on forthcoming news & events

  • Invitations to attend prestige events, such as our Annual Dinner, Annual Conference and our Summer Parliamentary Reception
  • The opportunity to attend our Airport Specialist Conferences
  • Send representatives to our Specialist Working Groups, workshops and briefings
  • Introduction and listing in Airport Operator magazine
  • Access to our directory of members
  • Regular updates on forthcoming news & events