08 Jun 2023

Baroness Vere joined us earlier this week as the aviation sector gathered to celebrate our successes and looked ahead with confidence at the summer and beyond.

Almost 700 representatives from airports, airlines, the regulator, government departments, partners and the media attended the AOA Annual Dinner this week. Formal proceedings began with welcomes from the AOA’s chair, Baroness Ruby McGregor-Smith and CEO Karen Dee, who both highlighted the upcoming challenges aviation faces, while looking back to the successes we’ve had since the pandemic restrictions were lifted.

Then aviation minister, Baroness Charlotte Vere, provided her thoughts and insights, reflecting back to the audience the positivity she felt that aviation was going to have one of its best summers ever. She also addressed some of the opportunities that the sector has to play in the ongoing recovery and economic growth of the UK. We are obviously very grateful that Baroness Vere was able to attend and share her thoughts.

The evening then turned to conversation and discussion, where stories were shared, friendships were rekindled and plans for the future were debated. Feedback on the evening was universally positive and that conversations went on until the small hours after the dinner is surely a good sign that the event was a success.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and we are already looking forward to welcoming the sector to next year’s AOA Annual Dinner.

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