05 Sep 2012

Darren Caplan, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association, said:

“The Airport Operators Association (AOA), which represents some 70 airport operators throughout the UK, welcomes the appointment of Patrick McLoughlin as Secretary of State for Transport, Simon Burns as Aviation Minister and Stephen Hammond as Parliamentary Under Secretary. This is a team with a strong transport background.

We also welcome the appointment of Sajid Javid as Economic Secretary to the Treasury, who takes over responsibility for Air Passenger Duty, the highest aviation tax in the world. He has a background in international finance, and understands the importance to business of good connectivity.

The AOA has always worked well with the Department for Transport and HM Treasury, and we look forward to forging strong working relationships with the new teams. We wish to see a fair framework for growth which benefits all UK airports, via an aviation policy which encourages both vibrant point-to-point airports and sufficient world-class hub capacity. We would also like to see a freeze in the rate of APD until the Treasury conducts a review of its impact on the wider economy.

It is our assertion that airport connectivity is the key to future economic growth, and that high levels of APD deter tourist and investors. We look forward to having constructive discussions with the new Transport and Treasury teams to explore these and other initiatives to ensure the future prosperity for the whole of the UK.”


For further information please contact Luke Law via [email protected] or 07827 931 480

Notes to Editors:

About the Airport Operators Association

Who we are:

The Airport Operators Association (AOA) is the trade association that represents UK airports.

What we do:

Our mission is to see UK airports grow sustainably. We represent the views of UK airports to Government, Parliament and Regulators to secure policy outcomes that help deliver our mission.

Who we represent:

The AOA represents some 70 UK airports and general aviation airfields in the UK. For more information, please visit www.airportsuk.org.

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