07 Sep 2012

Darren Caplan, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association said:

“The Airport Operators Association welcomes this development, if it ensures that the issue of the UK having vibrant point-to-point airports and sufficient world-class hub capacity is addressed.

“We wish Sir Howard Davies well in Chairing the Commission, but urge the Commission to include a strong representation of aviation experts and business leaders. The AOA has consistently argued that there needs to be a timetable and deadline for decision-making on these important issues, and so we welcome the commitment to an interim deadline of 2013 and a final deadline of 2015, though we ask that the interim report gives some direction and certainty to all those with an interest in this debate.

“The AOA is clear that the scope of the Commission’s work should look at all hub and capacity options. And we would like the Government to confirm that it will act on the Commission findings, having considered all the options.”


For further information please contact Luke Law via [email protected] or 07827 931 480

Notes to Editors:

About the Airport Operators Association

Who we are:

The Airport Operators Association (AOA) is the trade association that represents UK airports.

What we do:

Our mission is to see UK airports grow sustainably. We represent the views of UK airports to Government, Parliament and Regulators to secure policy outcomes that help deliver our mission.

Who we represent:

The AOA represents some 70 UK airports and general aviation airfields in the UK. For more information, please visit www.airportsuk.org .

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