28 Jan 2019


The Airport Operators Association (AOA) has partnered with ITN Productions again to create ‘Airport Matters,a news-style programme exploring the opportunities and challenges facing the industry and the future of aviation and airports.

The UK aviation market remains the third largest in the world and passenger numbers are continuing their rise, with 410 million passengers expected to pass through UK airports in 2050.  With unprecedented development, investment opportunities and ever-increasing numbers of passengers, UK airports need to operate more smoothly, efficiently and safely than ever before. With the Government developing its Aviation Strategy to help industry meet that challenge, a deep-dive into the future of UK airports is more timely than ever.

Presented by national newsreader Natasha Kaplinsky, ‘Airport Matters’ will explore the key opportunities and challenges surrounding the industry including technological innovation, airspace modernisation, sustainability, air connectivity, passenger experience, security and the commercial opportunities that enhanced travel brings. Furthermore, ‘Airport Matters’ will address the opportunities and challenges presented by Brexit and the Government’s ambition to create a Global Britain in what are unparalleled times for the industry.

Drawing upon ITN’s 60-year heritage and expertise in storytelling, the news-style piece will combine interviews and reports with sponsored editorial profiles from leading organisations propelling the industry into the future. ‘Airport Matters’ will premiere at the AOA’s Annual Conference, Dinner and Awards in October 2019.

Karen Dee, Chief Executive, Airport Operators Association, said: Aviation is a UK success story: not only do we support the economy with a contribution of a billion pounds a week to GDP, we are also enabling consumers to have unforgettable holiday experiences and meet family and friends as well as supporting business travellers as they seek out new opportunities. We are delighted to be partnering with ITN Productions to highlight some of the innovation and investment in UK airports that will help the UK benefit from the opportunities of the future.

Elizabeth Fisher-Robins, Head of Industry News, ITN Productions, said: With a remarkable number of passengers passing through UK airports, we are delighted to be partnering with the Airport Operators Association to highlight the importance of the industry, to explore the latest technological innovations and to highlight the opportunities and challenges faced by the industry throughout Brexit and beyond.”

For more information, or to participate in the programme, please contact Andrew Hollingworth, Programme Director at ITN Productions, on 0207 430 4298 or [email protected].

Notes to Editors

About ITN Productions 

ITN Productions is ITN’s bespoke production hub producing creative and commercially valuable content for the business, commercial, broadcast and digital sectors.  Industry News forms part of this offering and is a communications tool for leading industry bodies and national associations produced in a broadcast news programme format, including interviews, news items and sponsored editorial profiles.

For more information visit: www.itnproductions.co.uk

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