20 Mar 2020

Following the Chancellor’s statement on further measures to support business during the COVID-19 pandemic, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association Karen Dee said:

“The Chancellor’s measures to support employers through the COVID-19 pandemic are very welcome, particularly for airport staff who are concerned about their jobs.

“However, airports are at the forefront of the impacts of COVID-19, as domestic and international air travel has all but come to a halt. Airports are expecting up to 95% fewer passengers than normal next week, continuing the steep decline of the past few days and weeks.

“Following the Chancellor’s commitment to an aviation support package on Tuesday, airports have worked hard with the Department for Transport to set out their needs and held off taking further drastic steps pending the promised Government support. While Government has been receptive, it has not led to clear next steps and airports will now face making extremely difficult decisions.

“We urge the Government in the strongest possible terms, given the scale of disruption faced, to set out as soon as possible how they will support the UK aviation sector, including airports and the vital companies that ensure an airport can operate such as ground handling agents, air traffic controllers and airport retailers.”



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