BBC South East has broadcast an article (30/01/12) covering a report from Copenhagen, regarding the potential effects of Ultra Fine Particles on airport workers. Here is the AOA’s response.
“The UK aviation industry has an excellent safety record, and we continue to take a proactive stance towards all aspects of aviation safety.
“The scientific research into Ultra Fine Particles (UFP) is still in its infancy, and the Copenhagen report raises the prospect that further research may be required into this new area of scientific knowledge.
“Major UK airports already monitor very small airborne particulates (including PM10 and PM2.5) to ensure air quality standards are maintained well within UK Government regulations. Every effort is made to tackle emissions on both environmental and health and safety grounds through pan-industry bodies such as Sustainable Aviation ( ).
“As part of their own emissions reduction schemes, UK airports are already implementing a number of the recommended initiatives prior to the Copenhagen study, and the industry continues to pioneer greener technology and to optimise a sustainable environmental strategy sector-wide.
“We continue to monitor development in this fledging field, and continually review safety procedures in partnership with the Health & Safety Executive, the Civil Aviation Authority, airlines and manufacturers. We are focused on delivering a first class service for all aviation employees, clients and consumers, and their safety and security remains our paramount concern.”
Note to Editors:
For further information, please contact Luke Law on 07827 931480 or [email protected].
About the Airport Operators Association
- Who we are: The Airport Operators Association (AOA) is the trade association that represents UK airports.
- What we do: Our mission is to see UK airports grow sustainably. We represent the views of UK airports to Government, Parliament and Regulators to secure policy outcomes that help deliver our mission.
- Who we represent: 70 UK airports. For more, see