23 Sep 2014

At today’s Labour party conference in Manchester, Shadow Transport Secretary Mary Creagh MP said that, “More airport capacity is vital to Britain’s economic success” and committed her party to a “a swift decision on airport expansion in the national interest”, once the Airports Commission has reported in summer next year. This follows Ed Balls, the Shadow Chancellor, indicating yesterday that the decision on airport capacity should not be kicked in to the long grass.

Responding, Darren Caplan, the Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association, said:

  • “The Airport Operators Association welcomes this positive commitment by senior Labour politicians to a swift decision in the national interest, when the Airports Commission publishes its Final Report next summer on maintaining the UK’s status as an international aviation hub.
  • “We encourage the Commission to push ahead with the next stages of its work, keep to its timetable and make its Final Report no later than Summer 2015, as the Commission itself set out. We also continue to encourage all the main political parties to commit to acting on the recommendations in the Final Report in 2015, to ensure the UK has the network of vibrant point-to-point airports and sufficient world class hub capacity it needs to link to existing and emerging markets in the future.”

For further information please contact Tim Alderslade on 0207 799 3171 or [email protected].

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