Friday 3 July 2020
Responding to the Government’s announcement of the end to quarantine measures in England, AOA Chief Executive Karen Dee said:
“Airports have been calling for a risk-based approach to border controls, so today’s announcement is a welcome step forward for English airports. But it is imperative that a four-nation approach is adopted if we are to avoid putting further jobs at risk. We urge the devolved administrations to work with Government urgently to find a solution before the 10 July implementation date.
“This new system will enable passengers in England to book a summer holiday with confidence. Industry and Government have worked hard to put in place a package of health measures to manage the risks of COVID-19 which will help ensure that passengers can travel safely. It is essential that these benefits are extended to those living in the other three nations of the union.
“But this isn’t only about summer holidays – it’s about a successful restart of the trade and commerce that make this country prosperous and successful. Businesses need connections to key UK trade partners in order to restart, rebuild and renew. Before this crisis the UK had the third largest aviation market in the world, bringing in £1 billion to UK GDP every week and supporting countless jobs in communities across the country. Government must step up urgently to support a sector which will struggle to re-establish itself, especially after this highly damaging and unnecessary quarantine period.”