Wednesday 27 May 2020

Dear AOA Member,

As I mentioned in an earlier update, the DfT had told us there would be an implementation group set up between industry and government for the quarantine measures. This afternoon, the invitation came through for the first meeting, which will be tomorrow. This is a helpful step forward, as there are a number of unanswered questions. They’ve only invited trade associations, so we will report back to members on the outcomes of the meeting.

In addition to the implementation group meeting, we also have the next meeting of the Expert Steering Group for DfT’s Restart, Recovery & Engagement Unit tomorrow. We will ask Government to update us on how they are progressing with finalising the health measures and with getting cross-government agreement on air bridges. I will update you following the meetings.

As part of looking ahead to restart and recovery, the AOA met with easyTravelseat, which recently surveyed passengers with reduced mobility (PRMs) and their post-COVID-19 confidence to fly. Comparing their results with more generic IATA passenger polling, they raised with us that PRMs would be less confident to fly in a post-COVID-19 world. We’ve referred them to DfT, so that the concerns of PRMs are taken into account in their restart and recovery work. On the subject of PRMs, the CAA has responded to our letter on PRM provision during COVID-19, and you can find a copy of the letter here.

Our Parliamentary engagement is continuing at pace, with MPs having tabled a number of questions following our meeting last week. Some of those have now been answered, but there remain gaps in the answers. We will make sure to ask MPs to continue to pursue the details to add pressure on the Government for supporting the aviation industry. I also had a productive meeting with former Prime Minister Theresa May MP, who is very engaged on the issues facing aviation and is keen to find a way for international flights to be re-established.

Finally, don’t forget our COVID-19 Products & Services page, for which we continue to get many great solutions from our non-airport members!

Best wishes,

Karen Dee
Chief Executive