Wednesday 1 April 2020

Dear AOA Member,

A number of our members have asked us today about the furlough scheme, so I wanted to remind you that the guidance on that is available here (for employers) and here (for employees). This is regularly updated, for example, yesterday the guidance for employees was updated to say that an employee who was made redundant after 28 February can ask their employer to re-employ them and then place them on furlough instead. We are also working with airports to assess how well local authorities and local police forces are responding to requests around business rates and policing costs respectively, so we can demonstrate to government that a local approach is insufficient and requires a national response.

We are currently engaged in daily conference calls with CBI on some of the cross-economy issues too. Currently key priorities CBI is pursuing focus on: expanding access to finance – to address the facts that many businesses (including many airports) are ineligible for the Government’s financing schemes, and also to ensure that banks manage the process efficiently so that businesses receive the support they need; obtaining greater clarity of guidance on the furlough scheme (see also above); and assisting businesses who are being challenged as to whether they should remain open.

While we are still in the midst of the crisis, and lobbying for support remains our priority, a number of organisations are beginning to look at what a recovery might look like. We wanted to share with you four different analyses: one by McKinsey, one by InterVistas, one by Oxford Economics and finally ACI EUROPE undertook its own analysis by creating a consensus of analysts. I hope you will find these useful once your teams begin to scenario plan for the future. AOA will be discussing with members how we can assist in this area.

Following consultation with members, the AOA has also asked the CAA for clarity on their current inspection regimes, alongside a number of other minor requests. After reports of differing scenarios from airports from business-as-usual inspections to postponements, the AOA has asked whether a consistent policy applies across the UK.

Lastly, the Government has announced that if there are businesses moving goods through customs which are no longer able to comply with a condition of their authorisation because of Coronavirus, they can  get permission to temporarily vary the conditions of their authorisation. More details here and here.

Best wishes,

Karen Dee
Chief Executive