Alongside the WA, a political declaration on the future relationship has been published. This includes a section on aviation, namely that the future relationship will include a “comprehensive Air Transport Agreement, covering market access and investment, aviation safety and security, air traffic management and provisions to ensure open and fair competition.” No further detail is available in the declaration, but the UK and the European Commission have both previously set out what they think this should include.

The UK position is that it should include full traffic rights (up to 9th) and continued EASA membership but without voting rights; while the European Commission has suggested an agreement similar to those offered to other non-EEA countries, namely unlimited 3rd & 4th freedoms and possible discussions over 5th freedoms. They have questioned the UK’s possible participation in EASA due to the UK red line of no European Court of Justice jurisdiction.

DExEU and DfT have told the AOA they are expecting some further details on the future relationship in the coming week or so, including on future agency participation.

Documents: Political Declaration; UK Government aviation proposals; European Commission aviation proposals